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But that care and concern is not only shared with other Christians. These groups are Christians communities on a mission to foster a passion for Christ in our area. Grace Groups will at times volunteer in various venues around our region to meet and show love toward those who don’t yet believe. By serving our surrounding neighborhoods and city, they will wrap their groups around hurting people who don’t yet know Christ. Grace Groups operate in obedience to the Great Commission: bringing the message of Jesus to our region in word and deed.

In John 13:35, Jesus says, “By this all people will know you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” When we genuinely love and care for one another, and allow that love to be seen and experienced by those who don’t yet believe, we are acting as vessels for Christ in a powerful way.


That’s why Grace Groups are at the heart of our church’s strategy for sharing the love of Christ. Our Grace Groups are welcoming communities that not only meet regularly. They do life alongside each other. When you become part of a Grace Group, you are not joining a Bible Study. You are committing to share your life with other Christ-followers or people exploring the claims of Christ. You will meet together for Christ-centered discussion and prayer, but you’ll also find yourself sharing meals together, caring for one another in times of need, and developing genuine friendships with the members of your group. 

What to Expect


At Grace Road we understand that their are natural hesitations and questions you may have before attending a Grace Group. We hope the information below answers some of the questions you may have regarding our Grace Groups and help relieve your fears.

Have more questions? Please contact our Community Director.

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