The Bible is full of references where we see God move on behalf of women, hear women (Genesis 21:17), draw near to their need (Matthew 9:20-22), advocate for them and protect them in written law, set them in positions of historical influence (Ex 1:15-22, Joshua 2, Esther), weep with them (John 11:33-35) and use them in the building of the early church (Acts 16:11-15, Romans 16:1-2).
Women are not absent from the story of the Gospel. (In fact, Jesus went out of his way to teach in places where women could hear the truth in the synagogues!) Women do not take a less important role or a backseat position in God’s Kingdom.
At Grace Road, we firmly believe that women matter, have a voice and are uniquely designed to serve a complementary purpose within the body of Christ, just as scripture shows us and teaches us about the unique gender roles of men and women. Plain and simple — we love and value our women from all places and stages at Grace Road!
We believe that God created men and women equal but different and we want to see the community of women at Grace Road grow into a vibrant community of people who…
1. Love Jesus and the Gospel.
2. Love and understand the scriptures.
3. Know how to read the Bible for themselves.
4. Are involved in influential roles within their community.
5. Love and serve their families and communities.
6. Are active members of their church.
7. Can articulate a Gospel-centered, healthy exegesis of scripture.

At Grace Road, we want to encourage our women to be grounded in truth and the Gospel, confident in our identity in Him, and able to complement our brothers in Christ as we all work to bring light to the darkness in every corner of Rochester, NY.

Wool & Flax
"She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands..." - Proverbs 31:13
Each month, the women of Grace Road gather for Wool & Flax, an evening of fellowship, worship, and teaching.
Held in our sanctuary, Wool & Flax is a great opportunity for women to come together for exhortation, encouragement, and mutual support in the Lord.