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As followers of Christ, we believe that generosity is a mark of maturity in discipleship. God has given to us his limitless grace, steadfast love, and unending provision through the cross of Christ. In turn, our lives, bank accounts, and actions should reflect that generosity.


When it comes to talking about finances, we know that it’s not the most comfortable topic. We get it. Talking about giving isn’t everyone’s favorite. It seems like as soon as any church mentions wallets, checkbooks, and bank account balances, everyone gets uneasy. But we also know the Bible is pretty clear about how we should handle our money. So we don’t want to shy away from talking about this very important thing simply because it’s been mishandled by others. We have an opportunity to show the world how believers live differently, even with the way we spend.


In 2 Corinthians 8, Paul talks about the Macedonian churches who gave to support the work of Paul and those who worked with him out of even their poverty “...their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part. For they gave according to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of their own accord, begging us earnestly for the favor of taking part in the relief of the saints.” (2 Cor 8:2-4) They were eager to participate in the work of the Kingdom and Paul commends them for this. While giving shouldn’t be out of compulsion or slavery, we believe that the way we handle our money directly reflects the things we value.


We see this kind of generosity first modeled in Christ who “...though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.” (2 Cor 8:9)


As followers of Christ, we believe that generosity is a mark of maturity in discipleship. God has given to us his limitless grace, steadfast love, and unending provision through the cross of Christ. In turn, our lives, bank accounts, and actions should reflect that generosity.


Supporting the local church is one way to live this out practically. The church is the primary way God passes his word from generation to generation. It is the primary place that his word is held up for the world to see. It is the primary place Christians get their nourishment and spiritual strength, energizing them for the thousands of ways they serve Him during the week. So it is a primary place we give.


There are a few different options for how to give:


On Sundays, you can give by filling out an offering envelope and dropping your payment in one of the offering boxes near the back of the auditorium.


You can give online or through your mobile device on our app here: ANDROID / APPLE



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